The Ultimate Homemaking Bundle is back for 2 days! Get 51 eBooks, eCourses, and printables designed to help you declutter and organize your home, meal plan and serve healthier meals, plus resources for parenting, strengthening your marriage, and much more. 97% off. October 1 + 2 only. Grab Yours Here!
My Monthly Goals…Why do I set them? Why do I share them here?
- Setting goals helps me remain focused.
- Sharing my goals helps to hold me accountable.
- I hope that it may inspire you to set goals for yourself.
Are you new to goal setting? Here are a few posts that may help or inspire you:
- How to Set Goals using Short Challenges and Mini Goals
- How Short Challenges and Mini Goals Work for Me
- One Simple Task to Help You Follow Through On Your Goals
September: We were not used to getting out of the house early, but now that my daughter is in kindergarten many of our mornings have changed. My goal in September was to get to bed early so the earlier mornings were not too rough. Sleep wasn’t great in September as the baby in my tummy isn’t allowing for much of it…
October: I don’t have much control of my sleep at 36+ weeks pregnant and when the baby comes I definitely will NOT have control of my sleep! So my goal for October is to keep my daughters well-rested. I would like them in bed at or before 8:00 every night. I am contemplating moving this earlier.
If you have trouble making sleep a priority, check out these helpful resources:
- Sleep It Does a Family Good – book
- Make Over Your Mornings – eCourse
- How to Create a Morning Routine – printable worksheets that I created
- Your Morning Manual: A Guide & Workbook for Resetting & Maximizing Your Mornings – eBook
September: Cardio 3-4 times per week. Try to walk outside at least once per week. DONE. It’s hardly a vigorous workout these days, but I feel so much better when I exercise while pregnant!
October: Cardio 3 times per week. Try to walk at least once per week. Do you need tips on getting exercise into your daily life?
Weekly “date” night with hubby
September: One movie, game or date night per week. I believe we did this most weeks?
October: One movie, game or date night per week. This is getting a bit harder as we prep for baby, work on projects around the house, and various other things. But we will try…
Monthly outing with our family
September: Plan one fun activity for the four of us. We had a fun evening going out for dinner and playing at a new park!
October: Plan one fun activity for the four of us. Maybe? Because baby is due in October, it’s hard to know what this month looks like. I am all about flexibility in October.
Habit from my 12 Mini Goal Challenge
September: Abiding by the school schedule is a big change for us. I knew that I would need to manage my schedule much differently as I am not used to getting my girls out the door early in the morning. I am missing out on much of my morning alone/blogging time and I have needed to be much more strict about bedtimes and morning routines. In September I focused on planning my morning and evening schedules out to help get a handle on our new school routine.
September went really well! Our transition to school has been smoother than I expected! Once a newborn is in the mix, it may be another story!
October: I have always had quite a sweet tooth and know that I consume way more sugar than I should. While I believe that splurges are OK and most things are fine in moderation, I know that I don’t consume sugar in moderation.
I have cut back on sugar in the past and it’s a great feeling to know I am consuming less sugar. Unfortunately, the change doesn’t always stick around long-term! Because baby will be showing up in October, I know that eating a healthy diet will help to keep my energy up with a newborn. Well…as high as an energy level can be with a newborn. ;) I am joining the #GoodbyeSugar30 Challenge in hopes to cut down on my sugar intake.
Read more about my 12 Mini-Goals Challenge.
September: Read Daily Devotional New Testament: Through the New Testament in a Year every morning. This daily devotional includes two readings from the New Testament, a short reflection, a portion of the Psalms and a thoughts for prayer section. I enjoyed reading this devotion every morning. I have spent the last year or so changing up my daily devotion and I liked just having one that I go to every morning.
While I know the importance of starting my day in God’s Word, the third-trimester tiredness is getting the best of me. I again wasn’t consistent with this in September.
October: Continue to read Daily Devotional New Testament: Through the New Testament in a Year every morning.
Morning devotion with my girls
September: Read a daily devotion or bible story with my girls at breakfast (on non-school days). I did OK. I didn’t track my goals on paper this month, so it’s hard to know.
October: Read a daily devotion or bible story with my girls at breakfast (on non-school days). I wrote more about this new morning routine here.
September: Because of the eBook launch and spending more time than usual on sponsored posts, I have neglected a few things around the home. I would like to get more organized (declutter!) around the house and get a few things sorted and rearranged for the new baby. – I made some progress with this, but would like to do more in October!
October: Get ready for baby: wash baby laundry, prep more food for the freezer, clean up around the home, enjoy quality one-on-one time with my girls.
September Blog Goals
- Run the September Accountability Group for Your Morning Manual: A Guide & Workbook for Resetting & Maximizing Your Mornings. Done!
- Complete two more sponsored posts. – Done!
- Promote the Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle. I am excited to have a product in the bundle this year! – Success! Get notified of the next bundle or (bloggers) become an affiliate for Ultimate Bundles.
- With a baby coming this fall, I know I will be spending little time on the computer with a newborn. I would like to work ahead to have a posting plan for October – December. – I have a tentative plan for October and November.
October Blog Goals
- Complete Christmas Planner (done!) and write blog posts for the planner.
- Complete two sponsored posts.
- Clean up subscriber list in Mailchimp. This is to keep e-mail list costs down.
- Update savings schedule printable.
- Make tentative posting plan for October – December.
- Promote next Ultimate Bundle. Sign up to be notified of the next bundle.
You will receive free updates, morning motivation, printables, blog post highlights, and occasional deals sent your way. Frequency?? Just a few times per month.
Angela @ Setting My Intention says
Emily, you are doing great! Congratulations on your ebook. I’m hoping to get mine out there in November. I agree that flexibility is key for October for you! Excited for you and your family as you welcome a new addition! ?
Kendall says
You did great and your newest little bundle will be here so soon! I’m excited and nervous for you. Turtle Boy will be 1 before the end of the year and I’m really remembering those last few weeks of pregnancy lately. :mama hugs:
and Here’s to hoping you get some sleep and reach some of your goals! :)
Beth Newman says
Love your goals Emily. You have done so great ESPECIALLY with having to adjust to a new schedule.
Samantha says
I love your view on your sleep goal: you may not be getting much, but you’re making sure your daughters are. You’re such a good momma! Good luck for the next few months! :)
Emily says
Thanks Samantha!!
Lauren White says
Love all of this! I also hopped on over to your Christmas Planner pages — LOVE!!!
jehava says
I really love these goals and they are definitely inspirational to me. Especially if you can do it..pregnant! I can. LOL I really need to work on consistent workouts more than anything.
Michele Morin says
You’re reminding me that I’ve let the exercising slip in the past week. Gotta get back on track!
Hannah says
I love your goals and I love the idea of writing about it! I really need to sit down and do this for my own life!