More clutter = more time spent dealing with stuff = more stress = less time doing what truly matters.
Uncluttered is here to help if you need guidance, encouragement, and accountability. This step by step online course helps you remove clutter from every room and space to turn your home into a true, restful home. The next session starts soon.
Join Uncluttered to get the ultimate accountability in your uncluttering journey this year. The support and accountability you will get over 12 weeks will help you keep going! If you want to commit to a less cluttered home this year, this is where it’s at. I have not found another resource like this one.
My Goals…Why do I set them? Why do I share them here?
- Setting goals helps me remain focused.
- Sharing my goals helps to hold me accountable.
- I hope that it may inspire you to set goals for yourself? Give it a try! Start small if it seems overwhelming or like too much work. Or maybe it seems pointless to you? Give it a shot and see what you think.
Are you new to goal setting? Here are a few posts that may help or inspire you:
How to Set Goals using Short Challenges and Mini Goals
How Short Challenges and Mini Goals Work for Me
One Simple Task to Help You Follow Through On Your Goals
If you have read my goals in the past, you will know that more than one goal focuses on sleep. Creating an early morning wake-up habit was partially my inspiration for starting this blog. (Read my Early Morning Summary here.) Because of this I have had to focus on getting to bed early enough (my weakness!) so I could get up early. I am also aware of the importance of sleep for my 3.5 year old. Each month you will see goals on bedtimes, wake-up times, and the schedule surrounding that.
My 3.5 year old had major bedtime fears this month that resulted in very little sleep many of the nights. (Even a few nights with just a few hours of sleep. For her and I. A 3.5 year old on just 3-4 hours of sleep…not fun.) I have not had early morning time to myself. While I miss the bonus hour each morning, I know that I cannot assume I will always get that! I have two little ones so I think it would be unrealistic if I would be upset about not having some alone time each morning.
So I wouldn’t say that I failed at the goals…as what can I expect with two little ones?!? But…I am hoping that the bedtime fears are going to start fading so I can get back on track.
Record kiddo bedtime – Goal: 8:00
April: I did OK. She was in bed around 8:15 for most of April.
May: Goal time is 8:15. {For 3.5-year-old only.}
Record my wake-up & bedtimes
April: My wake-up goal was 6 AM and my bedtime goal was 11:30 PM. I started April off OK as I was back into recording the times, which is key for me. Once my girl started having her nighttime fears, it all went downhill! I was happy on the days I could have a few minutes alone. It has been months since I have gotten up when the girls get up, but I did that often this month. After being up for much of the night I wasn’t going to get up one minute before I needed to!
May: Hopefully the bedtime fears are going away and I can get back on track. Wake-Up goal is 6 AM. Bedtime goal is 11:30 PM.
Computer shut-down
April: My goal was to shut the computer off at 10:45. I did better than March as I got back into writing it down. I met this goal approximately 50% of the time.
May: I am going to move my goal to 11:00 and try to do it EVERY night.
God’s Word
April: I continued to read from my NIV Mom’s Devotional Bible* or another devotional. I fell short on my goal to read my devotion first thing in the morning at least 5 days a week. I chose to get that last little bit of sleep instead. I hope to make this a habit in May.
In April I also read What Did Jesus Do? Parenting Edition. It’s written by Rachel at Life is Good: Living Proof. Read more about the encouraging 5-day study applying scripture to parenting here.
May: Read my devotion first thing in the morning at least 5 days a week.
April: I finished Peace Like a River By Leif Enger*. It was so enjoyable! The story is narrated by a young boy named Reuben and his perspective is hilarious. His brother escapes town after being charged for murder. Reuben, his sister and father take off to find their brother. The dynamics of this trio is quite entertaining. I didn’t expect humor in this book, but there were occasional lines that made me laugh out loud.
May: Read a book…undecided at this time. I have started reading The 21-Day Sugar Detox: Bust Sugar & Carb Cravings Naturally
Screen time
April: Same as March, some days I was focused on this and some days I was not.
May: Continue to focus on extended non-screen time, especially when hanging out at home with my girls.
April: My goal was Cardio (running or elliptical) – 3 days per week at minimum. Burpees – On non-cardio days, do 40 burpees. It’s been a busy month and I was only able to get on the elliptical twice per week. I completed Burpees on the non-cardio days.
May: Cardio (running or elliptical) – 3 days per week at minimum. Burpees – On non-cardio days, do 40 burpees.
I am also signing up for the The Balanced Life’s Pilates Summer Series. It’s a simple and free challenge to do a short 5-10 minute pilates video each day for 3 weeks. The videos are available on her blog or are e-mailed to you if you sign up. I have completed one of Robin’s free pilates series before and enjoyed it. I love that the videos are short so they are easy to fit into your day.
One-on-one outing/time with each girl
April: Big sis, yes. Little sis, no.
May: I’m going to set this one aside for May.
Weekly “date” night with hubby
April: The goal was a weekly movie night or game night. Work is busy for him, so we did not do this weekly. We had a Saturday morning and afternoon together that made up for not having the weekly time. Brunch and a walk around the lakes is one of our favorite ways to spend time together! We walked around in the neighborhood that we used to live and enjoyed strolling around on a beautiful afternoon! I would be happy if all of our dates were brunch and time outside on a beautiful day.
May: A weekly movie, game or date night is not realistic in May. My goal is once in May.
Enjoy more outdoor time
April: I wanted to make sure the girls got out to play once a week in April. Due to the weather, this was a simple goal to obtain! We have easily been out multiple times per week.
May: I don’t need to set this goal as springtime is here! I don’t need a goal to motivate me to get outside with the girls. I’m sure it will show up again in November.
Pack up & drop off at least 2 bags of clothing and such at Goodwill
April: I finished up my 30 Day Spring Cleaning Challenge and here is my recap:
As I was finishing up the challenge, I packed up a few bags to bring to Goodwill. Done!
May: Do you have a room or area in your home that becomes a dumping ground? We have a spare bedroom that goes back and forth between a guest bedroom and a dumping ground for stuff without a home. It’s time consuming to constantly be shuffling the same items around the house.
Because we aren’t in the room daily, my motivation to just get to work is low. So I’m setting a simple, very low goal around this one. 5 items per day: Move item to a real home, throw away or donate.
April: I made a photo book for my older daughter’s first year. I purchased a Groupon for a photo book for daughter #2. It expires early April. So I need to load pictures and create her book! DONE. I love it. She is ridiculously smiley, so looking through pictures of her is a blast.
April: I enjoy doing our taxes and usually get them done before April. I haven’t done ours yet as I spend most of my spare time blogging…DONE.
New May Goals
None at this time.
Onto the blogging goals…
Blog Goals
- Getting better at planning ahead and scheduling out posts: I didn’t do as well in April. Continue in May.
- Improve categorization and improve site navigation: Work in progress.
- Add more Pinnable images to old posts: I have done this for a few posts. It must be helping as the posts with improved images are getting more views from Pinterest. I plan on continuing to work on this.
- Write first guest post for early April: Done! Read it here:
Do you make monthly goals? Feel free to link to your May goals in a comment. I enjoy reading goal lists. I find encouragement hearing what others are desiring to focus on.
*denotes affiliate link
Goals Linkup: Friends With Goals, My Life Abundant, Money Saving Mom
Linked to: Frugal Friday, Grace & Truth, Fellowship Friday, Awesome Life Friday, Friday Features, Faith & Fellowship, Saturday Soiree, Small Victories Sunday, Mommy Moments, Good Morning Mondays, Motivation Monday, Monday Madness, Motivational Monday, Making Memories Monday, Modest Monday, Living Proverbs 31, Art of Homemaking Mondays, Oak & Oats, Mama Moments, Mom 2 Mom, Titus 2 Tuesday, RaRaLinkup, Tuesday Talk
Hit Me with Your Best Shot, Wine’d Down Wednesday, Coffee for your Heart, Women with Intention, Ladies Collective, Wholehearted Home, Simply Inspired Wednesday, SHINE Blog Hop, Thrifty Thursday, Thrifty Thursday LWSL, Mom Blogs
You will receive free updates, morning motivation, printables, blog post highlights, and occasional deals sent your way. Frequency?? Just a few times per month.
Tammy says
Love your goals. I have to plan ahead anymore or will always be in a mess.
Keri says
Oh the Pilates challenge looks so great! I’ll have to check that out. I really love how you divide your goals by categories. I think I’ll try that next month.
admin says
I have done Robin’s Pilate challenges in the past and have enjoyed them! I hope you do also.
Debbie Rodrigues says
Wow! That is a long list you have there. I have 3 goals for the year that I am slowly progressing. Great to read about your progress. Success!
admin says
The list may be long, but some of the goals are small. :) Thanks for reading!
Gail Akeman says
Good Luck with your goals and spending time with your kids
Donna says
I just finished reading The Fringe Hours and I’ve decided to start working towards having that “extra” time in the morning. Getting to bed at a decent hour is by far the hardest part of the goal but hopefully with enough dedication I’ll get there!
admin says
I hope you get to enjoy some extra morning time! I had to remember that I was getting up for enjoyable alone time and that helped. Getting to bed early is the hardest part for me.
Kelly says
I love that you adjust your goals from month to month – that they don’t stay static. Looks you accomplished a great deal!!!
Rachel says
I like your goals. They are realistic and not overwhelming. Sometimes I read other blogger goals, and I’m like woah, how can they get it all done?
Thanks for sharing on Small Victories Sunday link up.
admin says
Yes, most of them are simple…but not necessarily easy for me. ;)
Amaia - You Made My Day says
Wow! what a big list! well done
Laura Lane of Harvest Lane Cottage says
I don’t make monthly goals, but since I’m approaching a mile marker birthday, you’ve given me something to consider.
admin says
That sounds like a good time to start. :)
NYC Tech Mommy says
Hello via SITS Sharfest :) Thanks for sharing this! I’m new to blogging and have really been thinking of setting goals. You’ve inspired me and I will be setting my goals today! Wish me luck! Hope you’re able to reach your goals in May!
admin says
Yeah! Good luck with your goals! Let me know how they turn out. Feel free to add a link here. :)
NYC Tech Mommy says
Thanks! Here’s a link to my blog. Hope you’ll check it out if you have some extra time :)
Tayrina says
Wow! This is a big list, huge list I have to say. But, it is inspiring! Setting goals it’s necessary if we want to do things or achieve things in life. Starting from the easy ones, and so on. I have set goals about bible studying, reading books, blogging of course (which is a little difficult without goals). I have to improve my goals and make new ones in other areas. Thanks for sharing your goals and inspire me. Have a blessed day!
Tayrina from TGAWrites
admin says
Thanks for stopping by, Tayrina! It sounds like you are on track with your goals. I think it’s helpful to start with a few small and/or easy ones also.
Brita Long says
Shutting off my computer is a huge part of getting to bed on time. Which means blog reading and commenting will be put off until tomorrow! This is my last thing for tonight. :)
admin says
Yes, the more I get sucked into being on the computer, the later I’m up! I’m trying desperately to be more disciplined.
Rachel says
I love reading these posts from you, they motivate me to try to get my goals in focus!! Thanks for mentioning the parenting study <3
Also for that Pilates link!! I love Pilates but haven't done it for weeks. That's perfect motivation to get back in it :)
Cecile says
Oh I love the Pilates Challenge
Helene says
Recording my goal success/failure is also key for me. thanks for the encouragement to go back to this great habit!
admin says
You are welcome! Thanks for stopping by.
Jess says
Great list of goals! I totally need to work on planning ahead and scheduling posts too! My sister posted her goals this month…all cleaning like yours last month:
Thanks for linking up another great post with us for Tuesday Talk! -Jess
admin says
Thanks for linking up your goals. I’ll check them out!
Terri Presser says
Thanks so much for sharing your goals with us at Good Morning Mondays. I don’t really keep monthly goals but I do write down things I want to achieve for the week, which helps keep me focused and I agree that sharing them would help keep you accountable. Have a great week. Blessings
admin says
Weekly goals work great also!
Jessi Fearon (@TheBudgetMama) says
God bless you for enjoying doing your taxes! I have an accounting degree and loathe doing taxes. :-/ I love reading your goals and love how you like to record your wake up/bedtimes. I need to start doing that as I’ve totally fallen off the wagon on getting up at a decent time to get work done.
admin says
I am surprised that you loathe doing taxes!
Marnie @ SuperSmartMama says
I looove the name of your blog (I’m a first-time visitor). I just set my May goals — first time this year. I set goals for many of the reasons you listed. Great job with all your goals for April!
admin says
Thanks for stopping by!
Beth says
I set goals for the exact same reason. It really does help me.
You did so GOOD! Burpees, I HATE burpees. HATE!!!!
I need to set some screen time goals, I really love that idea.
Happy almost Friday friend!
admin says
Haha! They are a surprisingly tiring exercise!
Kelly Balarie says
You keep first things first. You structure disorganized homes and hearts. I could use more of that. Keep going. Keep on helping us be motivated. Your words count. Cheering you on from the #RaRalinkup on Purposeful Faith.
Tiffany | A Touch of Grace says
Great goals as usual. I have so much work to do on my blog, it just never seems to get done. *sigh. Soon, soon enough it will happen. I love that you set such great goals for yourself each month.
Thanks for sharing on the Shine Blog Hop!
admin says
Yes, so much that doesn’t get done. I’m with you!
Jenny @ Women With Intention says
I’m a goal setter, too! :) Thank you for sharing at Women With Intention Wednesdays and good job on your first guest post!
Aspen Jay says
Nicely done on accomplishing your goals- especially getting your child in bed by 8pm! Sometimes I am good at this and other times… well it isn’t quite a habit yet. (o: And wow, how did you find time to compile a photo book while having a blog?! That is amazing! My photo books have been non existent lately. Congrats again on doing so well!
admin says
My groupon for the photo book was about to expire. I am cheap, so I was motivated to get it done!!